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Daily Devotions

A Mixed-up Religion

By April 27, 2014No Comments

Read 2 Kings 16 – 17

So they feared the LORD, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places, which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places. They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.  2 Kings 17:32-33 KJV

After the northern ten tribes of Israel were taken away into captivity, Assyria then resettled foreigners in the land. An interesting and tragic thing happened. After a series of tragic events, they recognized their need to honor the God of the land, so they learned what they could about Him, and they appointed for themselves priests to make sacrifices to Him. For such a high responsibility they chose men of the lowest character. Such men would allow them to live the way they wanted. While acknowledging the God of the land, thinking of Him only as a territorial god, they continued to serve the gods (idols) they were accustomed to worshipping. What they got was a mixed-up man-made religion, which partially worshiped God and partially worshiped their idols. This was even worst than pure idol worship because it blended the worship of our true God with false worship.

Lord, I recognize many similarities between this tragic story and my own time. So many have blended our historic worship of You in our land with their own ideas of spiritually. As a people we no longer know what we believe. Help me to be clear in my knowledge and worship of You, and help me promote an unmixed faith to those around me.

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