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Daily Devotions

God’s Messenger in the Mire

By August 20, 2014No Comments

Read Jeremiah 37 – 40

Then took they Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchiah the son of Hammelech, that was in the court of the prison: and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in the mire. Jeremiah 38:6 KJV

We often think our personal obedience to God’s Word, and our proclamation of it to others who need it should bring material blessings and the respect of others into our lives. For proclaiming God’s Word, Jeremiah was lowered into a dungeon which was no more than a pit used to hold water. As Jeremiah was lowered into the pit he sunk deep into the mud. The intent was to let him die a slow death. Imagine being in a pit, sunk deep in mud, unable to move, no food or water, and only darkness. This was Jeremiah’s payment for obeying God, preaching His Word, and trying to preserve lives. Sharing God’s Word with others who need to hear it does not mean they will receive it with gladness. People often reject both God’s Word and His messenger. We must not share God’s Word based on how we will be received or treated, but because we are sent by God and people need it.

Lord, Your Word is life; it is the one thing people need. Help me never fail in sharing it because of the lack of material reward, or because I am afraid of what people will think of me, say about me, or how they may mistreat me. May my motivation be what pleases You and what people need.

A question to ponder: What does it take for any person to endure the kind of hardships Jeremiah did in order to consistently share God’s Word with others?