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Daily Devotions

On Feeding Oxen and Pastors

By October 18, 2010No Comments

Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. Deuteronomy 25:4 KJV

To muzzle is to restrain; a device is placed over the mouth of an animal to keep it from biting or eating. We tend to think animal rights are a new thing, but as demonstrated here, even the Law spoke to the rights of an animal. The owner was not to keep it from eating while it worked. God encouraged compassion and consideration for animals. The Apostle Paul uses this in an interesting manner in 1 Corinthians 9:9-11 to teach that the man, who labors in spiritual things as he did in preaching the gospel, should be taken care of in material things. I don’t think this means a preacher and an ox are to be considered the same, or at least I hope not, but neither should be muzzled. Both should be able to eat while working. In the thinking of some, a poor struggling pastor is a spiritual pastor, but this is not what God thinks; He would have those who labor in spiritual things cared for.

Lord, thank you for the consideration you give to people and animals. Help me in applying this principle of your Word in my dealings with both.

A question to ponder: As the Apostle Paul, moved by the Spirit, applied this Old Testament law to the fair treatment of ministers, are there other applications that would also be appropriate?

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