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Daily Devotions

Prayer Before Sin

By January 2, 2016January 5th, 2016No Comments

Read Genesis 3: 8 – 24

And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. Genesis 3:8a KJV

Prayer is a conversation between God and man. The first such conversation in the Bible comes after the fall in Genesis 3:8-24. As a result we are left to wonder what prayer was like before sin entered the world. However, the first part of verse eight provides a brief glimpse. From it we learn prayer was special, regular, pleasant, and intimate. Prayer was special because upon hearing the voice of God, Adam and Eve would have been drawn to Him without fear. Regular, because it is implied from their creation Adam and Eve met daily with God. Pleasant, because they met with Him in the cool of the day; most agree this would have been early evening. Adam and Eve were accustomed to concluding their day with God. Intimate, because they walked together in the Garden. From this brief glimpse we learn that before the fall unhindered prayer was the greatest pleasure of man.

Lord, sin is no excuse for hindered prayer. You have broken its power that I might enjoy special, regular, pleasant, and intimate fellowship with you. Help me turn from sin to you each day that I might experience the best you have for me in the year ahead.

A question to ponder: What can I do to make sure my prayer life with God is special, regular, pleasant, and intimate?