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Daily Devotions

Seeing God As He Is

By June 11, 2014No Comments

Read Job 39 – 42

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. Job 42:5-6 KJV

There is a big difference between hearing or talking about God, and interacting with Him personally. When talking with someone about the Lord I can usually tell whether they know Him or just know about Him. Their words betray whether there is intimacy in their relationship with Him or not. When Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up he also saw himself as he was (Isaiah 6:1-5), so did the Apostle Peter with the Lord (Luke 5:8). We find the same reaction here from Job. Personally hearing and seeing God caused Job to abhor himself and repent of his sin. Beware when you find it easy to talk about God in terms other than deep reverential respect. It will probably indicate some detachment in your relationship with Him. The way for us to see and talk about Him will always be from a position of humility. In the end Job was double blessed because he was able to do so.

Lord, I know sometimes I talk about you as I would a co-worker or an equal. How foolish of me. Thank you for being so patient with me. Help me to know You as You are that I might know myself as I am. I desire Your blessing, rather than Your rebuke, in my life.

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