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Daily Devotions

The Dream of Jacob

By January 19, 2016No Comments

Read Genesis 28:10-22

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.  Genesis 28:12 KJV

Without question, Jacob had a wonderful dream. He saw heaven open and a ladder extending from heaven to earth, with angels descending and ascending on it and God speaking from on high. Do not mistake the ladder for a works based way to heaven. No one can climb their way into a relationship with God. Instead, the ladder was a symbol of the opportunity for access between God and man. For Jacob this was a turning point in his life. His relationship with God became personal rather than a second-hand experience passed down from his parents. From this point on Jacob would know God was with him wherever he would go. How important it is for each of us to move beyond the faith of our parents to the reality of personal relationship with God. We have the same opportunity, in John 1:51, Jesus claimed to be Jacob’s ladder. Our way to God is by faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, I thank you for providing access and making communion with you possible. As your angels ministered to Jacob, I am grateful that you use them in ministering to me as well. I am also thankful that you are with me wherever I may go.

A question to ponder: Jacob responded to God’s revelation with a prayer of acceptance, what remains the best response to God’s opportunity today?