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Daily Devotions

The Rediscovery of God’s Word

By April 29, 2014No Comments

Read 2 Kings 21 – 22

And Shaphan the scribe showed the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king. 2 Kings 22:10 KJV

Josiah was one of the best kings ever to set on the throne in Jerusalem. After becoming king he noticed the disrepair that had been allowed to exist in the Temple so he put men to work cleaning and repairing. In the process they came upon a book: old, dusty, and forgotten. This was not just any old book: it was the Law of God, the Bible. It is hard to imagine that God’s Word had been set aside for so long. Upon reading it, the king’s heart was gripped by its message and he personally became repentant of his sins and those of the nation. Through him a tremendous revival took place through all the land of Judah and the nation was made right with God once again. All it took to turn the nation around was one tender heart and the Word of God. As a nation, we too stand in need of the same discovery. We have the Bible, but it seems to be an old used book that touches few hearts.

Lord, it is hard to imagine that Your Word could be so set aside that people would not even know of its existence and yet it seems to happen quite often. May Your Word always be part of my life and may I always approach it with a tender heart. Help me share it with others that their hearts might also be gripped by its message.

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