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Daily Devotions

A Good Old Age

By January 16, 2016No Comments

Read Genesis 24 – 25

Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people. Genesis 25:8 KJV

This verse teaches that Abraham died at a good old age, full of years, so it makes me wonder, what is so good about old age? (1) It is a blessing to live a long life. Not everyone does. (2) Old age also meant Abraham was full of years. That means he had a lot of experiences. He could look back on a full life and thank God for so much: the opportunity to know Him, walk with Him, and be blessed by Him. Often it is not until we get older that we realize how much God has given us. (3) Abraham’s long life enabled him to be a blessing to future generations, especially his children and grandchildren. The older we live the greater opportunity we have to make a lasting difference. (4) When Abraham’s life did end, it was not a curse but a blessing. Verse 8 says he was gathered to his people. His death was a home-going! To me, that is a blessing of old age. Getting old may not always be easy, but it is a blessing to be at a good old age, full of years!

Lord, I do not expect to live as long as Abraham did, but if I live long enough to qualify, I would like others to be able to say I live to a good old age full of years. Help me look back even now on the experiences you have provided for which I should be grateful. Help me also make the kind of decisions that make a lasting difference for my children and grandchildren. And help me be so ready for eternity that it is a blessed home-going.

A question to ponder: What are some things you can do in your life now that will ensure you are a blessing to future generations?