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Daily Devotions

Enoch Walked With God

By January 3, 2016January 5th, 2016No Comments

Read Genesis 4 – 5

And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:24 KJV

Of all the people mentioned in Scripture, Enoch stands out as one who especially walked with God. To walk with another is to share the same goal (Amos 3:3). In Hebrews 11:5-6 it indicates walking with God is the same as pleasing Him. While others were occupied with the distractions of life, described in Genesis 4, Enoch walked with God; he agreed with and pleased Him. His generation is described in Jude verses 14-15 as ungodly men doing ungodly deeds in ungodly ways, and yet Enoch walked with God. He spent time with God, talked with Him, grew close to Him, and agreed with Him while others around him became increasing caught up in their pursuit of pleasure, prosperity, and power. The result was that Enoch’s whole life became characterized by his relationship with God, rather than the world. Like Enoch, we also should be characterized by our walk with God.

Lord, my generation does not seem to be much different than that of Enoch’s. We are certainly distracted by our pursuit of pleasure, prosperity, and power. I want to live differently. I want to walk in a way that pleases you and identifies me with you. Help me set my priorities in order that I might spend sufficient time talking with you and listening to you that I too might be characterized as one who walks with God.

A question to ponder: Do I spend the time necessary talking and listening to God that I might be characterized as one who walks with God?