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Daily Devotions

From Boyhood to Manhood

By January 13, 2015No Comments

Read Genesis 36 – 37

Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report. Genesis 37:2 KJV

It is amazing how many read this statement and conclude Joseph was a brat. But I do not think you will find anything else in the book of Genesis to support that interpretation. What is seen here is an early sign of moral and spiritual integrity that continues to be expressed throughout his life. At 17, even as today, Joseph was expected to behave as a man, so he was sent out to work with the rest. We are not told what the rest were doing, but we have every reason to believe it was wrong. Joseph was pressured and tempted to conform to the behavior of his brothers, and conceal their sin. This was a significant moment for Joseph that is why it is mentioned here. It is not likely it was easy to tell his dad what was going on, but he did what was right. Because he made the right choice on this occasion he moved from boyhood to manhood, and set a pattern for the rest of life.

Lord, Joseph is a good example for anyone to follow, but especially young people today who are faced with so many temptations. It seems easier to go along with the crowd, but Joseph shows it gets easier to do the right thing if you start that way. I did not start as well as Joseph, I am thankful you helped me overcome the bad decisions of my youth.

A question to ponder through the day: Even today people are expected to conform to the bad choices around them, why is it best to go against peer pressure and do what is right?