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Daily Devotions

Standing In The Gap

By September 5, 2015No Comments

And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30 KJV

In the verses previous to this one God looks at each class of people in Jerusalem and identifies their sins. The prophets, the priests, the princes, and the people were all guilty. Among all these groups there were none willing or able to stand apart from the rest and make a difference. God looked for a hedge-builder or wall-builder, He looked for someone to stand in the gap between Him and the nation, just as Moses had done for them in the past (Psalm 106:23), but there were none. This statement emphasizes the inestimable value of just one person. One person committed to serving the Lord, pleading with God, challenging others to live righteously can make all the difference for a nation.

Lord, we often overlook the value of one person. We think what we say or do on an individual basis have no real effect on the rest of the nation. Obviously Your estimate of the individual is different. If our society or nation is to walk with You then it has to start with me. Help me be a gap-filler and wall-builder in the day in which I live.