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Daily Devotions

The Example of Others

By December 2, 2014No Comments

Read 1 Corinthians 9 – 10

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. 1 Corinthians 10:11 KJV

Have you ever looked to someone else as an example, good or bad, for your life? Most of us probably have. The Bible actually encourages us to do this. After referring to several examples from the Old Testament the Apostle Paul then wrote they are to be viewed as examples in our relationship with God: some are positive examples for us to learn from their obedience, and some are negative examples to warn us against disobedience. Paul especially focuses on the lesson to be gained from the negative examples. We often look at them with condemnation, wondering how they could have made some of the blunders they did in their walk with God, but by doing so we fail to be warned ourselves, thinking we stand in a better condition than they, and fall into the same traps of sin that entangled them. Our identification with Christ (the rock) will help us only if we are faithful to Him.

Lord, too often I find myself looking down on someone because of a stupid thing they have done and without realizing it I set myself up for the same thing. Help me to learn and be warned by the example of others that I might walk with you as I should.

A question to ponder: If the children of Israel who were under the cloud, passed through the sea, and drank water the rock still fell deeply into sin, being identified with Christ what can we do to avoid the same temptations?