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Daily Devotions

The Lord Who Sanctifies

By September 20, 2013No Comments

Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctifies them. Ezekiel 20:12 KJV

This statement made to the Israelites in the Babylonian Captivity uses an illustration from the Egyptian Bondage of Exodus. Although they were in bondage due to God’s judgment, He did not leave them there; He brought them out, and then gave them His Sabbaths as a sign of His working with them. The Sabbath indicated who God was and what He did. Here, an Old Testament name of God is used, Jehovah-M’Kaddesh, the LORD who sanctifies. Because God is holy and set apart from sin, He does the same in His people. He makes a distinction between them and others, and He sets them apart that they might be holy as He is holy. This taught that God had not forsaken them but was working in them.

Lord, because You do not change, You are still the LORD who sanctifies, You are still at work in the lives of Your people to set them apart from sin and the world unto Yourself. May You continue setting me apart that I might be blameless at Your coming.

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