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Daily Devotions

The Empty Traditions of Men

By October 26, 2013No Comments

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:8-9 KJV

Here is a very old problem. A group of religious leaders complained to Jesus that He did not keep their traditions. Quoting from the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 29:13), Jesus pointed out that the real problem was they kept their traditions but did not keep the teachings of the Word of God. Even today people want to look good, sound good, and have the form of religion, but not possess the real thing (2 Timothy 3:5). A true relationship with God starts in the heart of a person who draws near to Him on His terms. The desire of such is to draw near to God, to honor Him, and to worship Him. This cannot be accomplished through man-made religious traditions, but solely upon the teachings of His Word.

Lord, it seems we ever want to do things our own way, even if it means having a form of religion that is entirely empty because it lacks a real and true relationship with You. Such religion seems pointless. Help me remain true to Your teachings and an honest relationship with You rather than giving in to the religious traditions of men.

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